Jumat, 23 September 2011


Child is a mandate that we must guard as possible. A good education early on will shape the character of children. Here are some tips for educating children
Where have visible signs tamyiz on a child, thenhe should get serious attention and supervisionenough. Surely his heart like translucent pearls are readyaccept everything that is coloring. When familiarized with thegood thing, then it will develop with kindness, so thatparents and educators participate reward. Conversely,if he is accustomed to bad things, then he will grow tougliness. So parents and pedidiknya also bear a burdenhence.
Therefore, should not parents and educators neglectthis great responsibility by neglecting a good educationand cultivation of good manners to her as part of its rights.Between morality-morality and tips in educating children is asfollows:
1. Children should be educated to eat with his right hand, readbasmalah, starting with the most close to him and notprecedes the meal before the others (the older, red).Then forbid it from watching the food and the person beingeat.
2. He commanded not to rush the meal. Shouldchew well and do not put food inmouth before it runs out of the mouth. Send him to be cautious anddo not let dirty clothes.
3. Should be trained not to extravagance in eating (mustdisposable dishes of fish, meat etc.) so as not to causeimpression that the meal should be with him. Also taught to make them lessmuch to eat and give praise to such a child. It isto prevent from bad habits, which is only concerned with the stomachonly.

4. Implanted him to put the others in terms offood and trained with simple food, so it is not toolove with the feel-good that will eventually be difficult for himrelease it.
5. Highly preferred if he wore a white dress, rather thancolorful and not of silk. And affirmed that the silk isonly for kaumwanita.
6. If there are other boys wear silk, then it shoulddeny it. Likewise, if he isbal (craning his clothesto exceed the ankle). Do not let them get used to it-this.
7. Children should be kept from children get along with the usualboast-splendor and being arrogant. If this is allowed thencould be as an adult so he will have a certain character. Association thatwill affect the child's ugly. Could be as an adult hehas a bad character, such as: Like lying, pitting, hardhead, feel great and others, as a result of the association thatwrong in his childhood. As such, can be prevented byprovide good adab education as early as possible to them.
8. Must be instilled a love for reading al-Quran and booksbooks, especially in the library. Reading the Qur'an with commentary,n Prophet's hadiths and fiqh lessons well and others. Healso have to get used to memorize the good advice, historyrighteous people and the ascetic, honing his soul so constantlylove and imitate them.
He also should be told about the book and understand its Ash'arite,Mu'tazilite, Rafidhah and other heretical groups in ordernot fall into it. Similarly, the flow-cultmany thrive in the area around, according to the levelchild's ability.
9. He should be kept away from love poems rag and onlyjust follow the passions, as this can damage the liver andsoul.
10. Get used it to write beautifully (khath) and mengahafal poem-poetry about asceticism and noble character. It all showsthe perfection of nature and a beautiful decoration.
11. If children do something praiseworthy and noble character should nothesitate to praise or reward that can membahagia-it. If at any time you make a mistake, should notspread out in front of others as he was advised that whatdoes not either.
12. If he repeats the bad deeds, then it should be scoldedin a separate place and show the level of guilt. Tellhim if you continue to do that, then people will hateand underestimate it. But not too often or easily scold,for that is going to make it resistant and unaffectedagain with anger.
13. A father should keep the authority in family communicationwith children. Do not vilify or talk rude, unlessat any given moment. While a mother should be createdfeelings of respect and reluctant to warn the father and childrenthat if done badly it will be under threat and angerfrom the father.
14. Should be prevented from sleeping during the day because it causesfeeling lazy (unless absolutely necessary). Conversely, at nightif it wants to sleep, then let him sleep (do not forcewith a specific activity, red) because it can lead to boredomand the weakening condition of the body.
15. Do not provide him a luxurious bed and paddedbecause the resulting entity became complacent and lost inenjoyment. This can result in the joints become stiff becausetoo much sleep and lack of movement.
16. Do not accustomed to doing things in secret,because when he did, not least because of the beliefthat was not good.
17. Familiarize your child doing sports or exercise at the timearise in the morning so as not feeling lazy. If you have a archery skills(Or shoot, red), horseback riding, swimming, then why do not concern themselves with that activity.
18. Do not let your child get used to staring, and hastily departed(Hands on) the waist as the act of people who pride themselves.
19. Forbade him from the pride of what belongs to his father,clothing or food in the presence of playmates. Get used to itsubmissive, meek and the honor of his friend.
20. Grow in children (especially males) in order not to be toolove the gold and silver and greed against them. Embedfear of the dangers of love gold and silver in excess,exceeds the fear of snakes or scorpions.
21. Prevent it from taking something belonging to his friend, both fromnoble families (rich), because it is a reproach, humiliation andlower prestige, as well as from the poor, because it is an attitudecovetous or greedy. Instead, teach him to give because itis a noble and honorable act.
22. Keep him of the habit of spitting in the majlis or placeGenerally, blowing your nose when no one else, her fellowMuslims and a lot of yawning.
23. Teach he sat on the floor with knees or withstraightened out his right leg and the left side or sitting withembraced both back legs with both knees erect position.Similarly, in ways that exemplified by the Prophet satSallallaahu alaihi wa sallam.
24. Prevent it from most of the talking, unless the beneficial ordhikr of Allah.
25. Prevent children from a lot of swearing, oath either true orlie that it does not become a habit.
26. He also must be prevented from saying nasty and futile ascurse or revile. Also prevented from associating with peoplepeople who like to do just that.
27. Suggest it to have a soul brave and patient indifficult conditions. Praise it if it be so, because praise willencouraged him to get used to it.
28. We recommend that children be given toys or entertainment that are positive forlet fatigue or refreshing, after completion of learning,reading in the library or doing other activities.
29. If the child has reached the age of seven years then it should becommanded to pray and not to allowed to leavepurification (ablution) before. Prevent it from lying andtreason. And if it has baligh, then charge him a command-command.
30. Familiarize the children to be obedient to parents, teachers,teacher (religious teacher) and in general to an older age.Teach them to be looked at with respect. And as much asmay be prevented from playing on their side (they are annoying).
Thus morality-related moral education of children in the future
tamyiz until the days before baligh. The above description is
intended for the education of boys. However, many ofAmong some of the above, which can also be applied togirls' education.

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